This is Why You Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol Ever

As many of you know, alcohol affects the entire body, including the brain and the nervous system, heart, and the individual’s emotional well-being. However, we have highlighted the core consequences that a huge amount of drinking alcohol can cause and why you shouldn’t drink alcohol ever.

1. Hangovers

Almost anyone who drinks alcohol is familiar with this situation. Depending on a person, it occurs after drinking little or too much alcohol, right the next day in the morning.

A hangover may be characterized by thirst, vomiting, headache, muscle aches, sensitivity to light and various sounds, mood disturbances, and bloodshot eyes. Plus, it can last from an hour in the morning up to a couple of days, depending on an organism.

2. Brain Disorders

Just one or two drinks can cause blurred vision and slower reaction times. This is why it’s forbidden to drink when driving a car. In a short period of time, the symptoms of alcohol disappear. However, in the long-term alcohol may cause chronic brain disorders that are serious and debilitating.

3. Cancer

Constant drinking can increase the risk of certain types of cancer. For instance, it can lead to the cancer of the liver, mouth, throat, larynx (the voice box), esophagus, and breast. It’s even worse in the case of the smoker drinkers as they are at a higher risk of developing cancer.

4. Birth Defects

Drinking too much can also cause some serious birth defects, especially in the case of pregnant women. Children can be born with the defects of the brain, heart and other organs.

5. Death

Drinking alcohol too much, quickly and in huge amounts definitely depresses the nervous system, causing blackouts, seizures, coma, and even death. So people who like to drink much and quickly, be careful!