About us

GurusWay is now BusinessPulse!!

BusinessPulse is an online publishing platform striving to provide you with the best, most researched, as well as insightful educational and informational content.

Experts at BusinessPulse strive to provide helpful and useful content about:

  • Business: Entrepreneurship, startups, business strategies, leadership, management, and case studies.
  • Marketing: Digital marketing, content marketing, social media strategies, branding, SEO, and marketing analytics.
  • Technology: Innovations, emerging technologies, tech trends, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cybersecurity.
  • Useful Tools: Reviews, recommendations, and practical guides on useful tools for business, marketing, project and product management, etc.

You can also provide any other catchy articles to use in BusinessPulse.

BusinessPulse strives to become the N1 Entertaining Online Platform providing informational and useful articles on best tips, and advice.

Driven by a group of enthusiast Gurus in the mentioned spheres, our team works hard at providing you with regular articles to enrich not only your knowledge but also to make your life easier.

Have you ever met such situations when you need some advice on how to found a business or any other entrepreneurship advice, or a piece of advice in your relationships that go nowhere?

Or, for instance, you may struggle to lose weight, promising yourself that the next day you’ll start a new life, eating healthy and workout but tomorrow never comes.

Whatever it is you can trust our experts. If you want to become a Guru in what you’re most interested in, follow us.

We strive to provide you with the best possible content on how to improve every aspect of your life, so you can grow into the person you want to be by just following the content we publish on our platform.



Our VISION is to make a positive change in the world. In the world where people sometimes forget what it means to live with purpose and live from the core, we want to educate you on how to bring back the meaning into your life and make it much easier.

BusinessPulse wants you to be the master of every domain of your life. Our team truly believes that sustainable development is the best policy for happy and successful people.

With a simple reason that it’s not going to design itself, we strive to provide constant development opportunities for the people needed in practical and valuable information.

We are on the mission to build informed people and communities through producing inspiring content, that will take them through necessary life transformation and enable to finally live life at the level they wish.

Want to work with us, or write for us, please contact us and we will contact you in the shortest period.