The hair is made up of a protein called keratin and it grows out of the small holes in your head, which are known as follicles. The average count of hair follicles on a human scalp can be anywhere between 100,000 to 150,000.
Usually, a person sheds 50 to 100 strands per day. These hairs get replaced by the new hairs and the hair growth cycle continues this way.
Excessive hair loss occurs when multiple unfavorable factors come into play. These factors can be related to health, genes, stress/depression, diet, pollution, hair products, and the natural aging process.
Due to the unwanted aspects, our hair results in shedding and thinning out more than the average.
Thus, for most of the people nowadays, having a good hair day every day is more of a fairytale than reality.
Hair Loss in Men
Many people believe that hair is their crowning glory and they do not want to lose this glory in the form of hair fall or hair loss. Therefore people, who are more concerned about their hair, seek multiple ways to get rid of hair loss concerns.
As we always heard that ‘Prevention is better than Cure’; it also applies in the case of hair loss.
If you feel that you are losing more than the average count of hair follicles on a regular basis, then you should pay attention to this matter than to avoid it. We say that because most of the people left their hair loss issues untreated in the early stages.
Later on, when they started entering the state of baldness, they look for multiple options such as wigs, medicines, hair products, etc. They even try to hide their bald spots with a hat or scarf.
So it is always beneficial to treat any of your medical condition when you start noticing the symptoms.
What are the Reasons for Hair Loss in Men?
Hair loss can be the result of any medical condition, hormonal changes, genetics or drugs/medications. Hair loss and baldness problem occur more in the case of men as compared to women.
Generally, baldness is a condition that takes place from excessive hair loss and thus makes the person look elder than his/her actual age and we know that everyone wants to look always young and beautiful.
Below mentioned are some of the common causes of hair loss that can take place in men as well as in women.
Hair Loss Causes
Hair loss due to genes is the most common cause and it usually occurs gradually as the people grow old.
It is also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness and you can blame on your genes for having this type of hair loss. In male pattern baldness, the hair loss pattern is predictable i.e. a receding hairline with bald spots on the crown area.
Harsh Hair Products
Tight hairstyles, harsh hair products, and the excessive heat can make your hair weak and dull. A very tight bun or ponytail can weaken the hair roots.
Also, the extreme use of hair products like flat irons, curling irons, hair colors, blow dryer, etc can contribute to the loss of your hair.
Physical Trauma
Hair loss can also occur from an accident, physical trauma like surgery, severe illness and stress/depression. The hair loss that occurred from these conditions is known as telogen effluvium.
Hormonal Changes
The hormonal changes that take place due to pregnancy, childbirth, thyroid problems, menopause, etc. can affect the person with temporary or permanent hair loss issues.
Lack of Proteins & Nutrients
Your diet plays a significant role in maintaining the health of your hair. You can become prone to hair loss issues if you are not taking a sufficient amount of proteins or nutrients in your daily diet.
Lack of essential elements can slow down the growth of your hair, thus resulting in the hair thinning concern.
Medications/Medical Conditions
Sometimes, people can suffer from the side effects of certain drugs or medications used to cure chronic diseases like arthritis, cancer, heart problems or high blood pressure.
Some medical conditions are also responsible such as alopecia areata, scalp infections, patchy hair loss, etc.
Related Article: Proven Health Benefits of Green Tea (Infographic)
How to Prevent or Stop Hair Loss?
Now you might be expecting us to discuss the precautions and treatments by following which, you can get rid of your hair loss or baldness concern in an effective manner.
Though, we have already covered this topic on our website; you can check it out – 5 Proven Ways to Stop Hair Loss.
There are both the ways available to stop temporary hair fall issues- Natural ways and Medical treatments.
Unquestionably, natural ways are the cheapest methods and they do not cause harm to your hair in any way. These are the ways that any person can easily afford; but generally, these methods take a little more time to abolish the problem from the roots.
Here, we are discussing the ways by which you can prevent and treat your early as well as complex hair loss problems:
Nutrition for Hair Loss Prevention
The food items having fewer proteins and a high amount of fat & sodium are the major contributors to hair loss, kidney problems, increasing acidity in the blood, etc.
A totally natural and safe way to lessen the chances of health and hair related issues is to eat the right amount of healthy diet. The elements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, folic acid, iron, and proteins play a considerable role to encourage the healthy scalp and strengthen the hair roots.
Proper Sleep
Having a sound sleep helps in the appropriate functioning of the overall body, as it allows the body to repair and regenerate.
Lack of sleep can make your body and hair weak, causing certain diseases that can further lead to hair loss or even bald spots on the head.
Also, try to maintain a proper balance in your day-to-day life. In this way, you can stay away from the state of stress/depression and you can enjoy a good sleep.
Exercising or going to a gym is beneficial for the entire body because it diminishes the risk of getting some medical problems that can affect the health of hair. It also helps in eliminating stress and producing new cells in our body.
For instance, running helps to lose weight as well as reduce stress so you can try this for sure.
Furthermore, it enhances the circulation of blood flow in the body and scalp, thus improving the hair growth rate by supplying the nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.
Regular head massage with essential oils will also benefit in getting the long, strong and shiny locks.
The hair strands need a consistent energy supply in order to grow and the lack of vitamins and minerals can result in an inadequate supply of energy to the follicles. You should take an ample amount of protein supplements in your daily routine.
The supplements like iron, zinc, omega acid, vitamins, amino acid, etc will promote your hair growth if you have a deficiency in any of the vitamins.
The hormones that are taking place due to stress and depression, kill off new hair growth and these can also affect the existing hair follicles; thus leading to intense hair fall. So avoid taking the stress and involve yourself in the activities which make you happy and provide satisfaction.
Excessive Alcohol/Caffeine Consumption
If you are involved in the consumption of alcoholic products, do you know that these products are the reasons for diminishing the level of zinc, folic acid, vitamin B and C in your body?
The same goes in the case of excessive intake of caffeine. So think about this and avoid the superfluous intake of these products.
Hair Transplant
This is the most commonly performed hair loss treatment nowadays. It is a one-time surgical treatment that involves the transferring of hair grafts from the donor area (back of the scalp) to the recipient site (bald area) of the head.
After the implantation of hair follicles on the recipient area, the doctor will bandage your scalp and you’ll be given post-surgery instructions for at-home care.
If you are struggling with hair loss and want to get the best solution possible in the hair transplant industry, then you should go to an experienced professional. For instance, Hair Doctors Pros from India can help you in different locations across the nation, they have patients from other countries and locations as well.
Before you make any decision, it is important to understand your type of hair loss at the consultation. Understanding the type of your hair will help you in taking the best care of it.
Once the expert Dermatologist will examine your hair and get a sense of your medical history, it will become very easy for you to move to the next step with the appropriate treatment option.
Maintaining the health of your hair is equally important as like maintaining the health of your body. Taking proper care of your hair with a healthy routine will never let you lose your crowning glory and thus, you can flaunt your healthy and lustrous mane in the way you want.

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.