Fasting Before Blood Test: 8 Facts You Should Know

There are some blood tests that one should perform in a fasting state. For such cases, specialists inform you not to eat or drink anything for a specific time period before the test. There are several things you should know about fasting before the blood test.

Overall, fasting is made compulsorily for obtaining an accurate test report.

The essential nutrition like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals impact the readings of the blood level which make the report cloudy.

We’ve prepared some of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) about fasting before the blood test to provide you as much information as possible.

Here we go!

How to prepare for a fasting blood test?

Though fasting is required yet some blood tests are also there which don’t require fasting. We’ve mentioned some of them below for your reference:

  • Lipoprotein Panel
  • Renal Function Panel
  • Basic Metabolic Panel
  • Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Level Test
  • High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Level Test
  • Triglyceride Level Test
  • Cholesterol Test
  • Liver Function Test
  • Blood Glucose Test

Whenever the doctor prescribes to undergo a new blood test and mentions nothing about fasting, ask about it yourself. There are certain blood tests that don’t require fasting but need limitation to some specific foods.

Some medications, broccoli and red meat can impact the blood test report. Moreover, they may come with false-positive fecal occult blood tests as well. So follow the doctor’s instructions prior to performing any blood tests.

How long you should test prior to a blood test?

Blood test

The time period fasting is required for the blood test is entirely dependent on the test itself. In the meantime, you are supposed to consume anything except water.

Remember that some tests need 8 hours of fasting whereas some require a long 12-hour fasting to obtain an accurate report.

An additional tip for you:

  • Fix the test appointment as early as it can be! Try to sleep for long hours as it is also considered a part of the fasting period.
    Moreover, this state will keep your appetizing level deactivated as long as you are sleeping.

Can you drink coffee before fasting blood test?

Even if it’s black coffee, it can interfere with the blood test reports.

The reason is here; as it’s loaded with soluble plant matter and caffeine it skews the result. Even it can increase the frequency of urination as it’s diuretic resulting in dehydration.

As a result, it can be troublesome for the phlebotomists to find the vein for withdrawing the blood sample making the test more complicated to perform.

Can you drink alcohol before a fasting blood test?

A few blood tests help in assessing the triglyceride levels and liver health. So, it requires the patient not to consume any alcoholic content for the last 24 hours of the test.

Even you should check the alcohol level in the bloodstream and talk to the doctor for rescheduling the test.

Smoking should be quitted or not will be disclosed by your doctor.


Related Article:  Intermittent Fasting & Its Variations


Can you drink water before a fasting blood test?

Generally, drinking water prior to the test is fine unless you are instructed. As it’s totally different from that of a surgical process hence entirely empty stomach isn’t needed otherwise.

You can drink bottled or tap water but if it is lemon drink, soda and seltzer then kept it aside for some other time. Even one shouldn’t consume flavored juices, carbonated beverages, caffeinated drinks and tea at the same time.

An additional tip for you:

  • Water is helpful in hydrating the body by making the veins plumper and visible clearly. Two days prior to the test day you should stay hydrated.
    Also, specialists recommend drinking plenty of water just before the test! It incorporates the nurse or Phlebotomists of the clinic of the cheap blood tests to find the vein easily for blood withdrawal.

What to do if your kid needs fasting before a blood test?

Child girl kid in the field

Sometimes kids also need to perform blood tests for which they have to fast alike adults before the test. To deal with such a case, you should talk with the pediatrician to know the time period your kid should refrain from drinking and eating.

Some additional tips to handle the issue:

  • Try to schedule the blood test for your child as earliest in the day as possible.
  • During the fasting time period, distraction is the key for them. Let them sit and play video games or enjoy nonstop goofy cartoons on the TV.
  • Take some snacks along and let them devour on it as early as the test has been finished.
  • If somehow they managed to relish some snacks on their own, it is best to reschedule the test for an accurate report.

Fasting before blood tests during pregnancy

Several blood tests are there that need to be performed while you are pregnant.

These tests are helpful in assessing the potential risks and concerns that your or your baby may experience at the time of pregnancy/delivery. A few of them ask the patient to fast prior to performing them.

In general, fasting is a safe option during pregnancy. It maintains the health properly and alleviates the chance of risky pregnancy. To enhance your comfort level, professionals advise you to drink plenty of water and stay inside if the weather is humid and hot.

For pregnant women, heartburn can get increased due to fasting. In the case when you notice any concerning or uncomfortable symptoms during fasting, it’s better to speak up with the doctor as quickly as possible.

Apart from obstetrician-gynecologist, if you are visiting any other doctor ensure that they are aware of your condition prior to suggesting a blood test.

What happens if you don’t fast before a blood test?

If your blood test requires fasting and you don’t do it then the report will be improper. In case you forget about it and drink or eat something, consult with the healthcare provider immediately if you can take the test or not!

Certain blood tests don’t need fasting but you should be honest to the doctor regarding the stuff and beverages consumed. Accordingly, the test will be performed by reviewing the food intake as variables.

However, if fasting is mandatory for the test, the date of the test will be rescheduled again.

If you’re looking for a clinic for private blood testing in London, New York, Toronto, or other big cities do some proper research. The key point here is to find a highly-ranked place having a good reputation where you can perform the test.

However, before visiting your chosen clinic, visit your healthcare provider to know which blood tests are essential for you.

Here’s advice for you:

Strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions to perform the blood test. It will definitely help you to receive an accurate report and get the full picture properly.

Take care!