5 Types of Friends You Always Need In Your Life

Friendship is quite a complicated phenomenon that doesn’t run smoothly. This is an inevitable part of our lifestyle.

On the other side, it evolves constantly and doesn’t ask any size or shape for making friends. 

As we know, July 30 is the International Day of Friendship. So this is a perfect time to celebrate those people in your life who care for you, need you, know everything about you, and you care most of them as well. 

Generally, there are no rules on the number of friends we can have or how we interact with them. But there is some kind of people we need in our lives to make it better, easier, and to move forward.

Today, we have researched and brought you some valuable information on the best five friend types that can help and assist you during the whole of your life.

1. The Dreamer

Dreamer friend

This is the type of friend who wants and makes things better everywhere.

This type of trait is a good factor to reach newer heights all the time, especially at the time when you feel stressed or unhappy. They assist you in staying connected, try something new, and reach something big.

2. The Mentor

Mentor friend

You are really happy if you have someone who is smart and admirable in your life.


Just because they give you various valuable advice that helps you to achieve your goals. Having this kind of friend is a real treasure as they inspire us to become better personalities without making us feel inadequate

A wise mentor doesn’t have to be someone who shares your occupation or hobby with you. It’s just someone who’s a few steps ahead of you in life, has done some things more than you and has enough wisdom, patience, and practice to guide you in the right direction throughout your life.

Particularly, it can be a friend from your workplace, colleague, an older brother, in a nutshell – the kind of person who you admire and want to be more like them.


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3. The Motivator

Motivator friend

During our lives, we need someone who motivates us to do more.

Many things happen when we lose mood or become unhappy because something we planned didn’t happen.

The “motivator” type of friend always knows what to say in the situation when you’re broken. They know how exactly raise your mood, inspire you, and light in you the fire that will drive you to move forward.

Without these kinds of friends, your life will be harder than you can imagine

4. Brutally Honest Confidant

Honest talk with friend

There are certain situations in life where we just need the truth and not what we like to hear.

Here comes the assistance of a brutally honest confidant type of friend. They come to assist you at the time when everyone’s telling you that everything is just perfect, nothing to worry about, or no need to change anything.

During these situations, your honest friend will tell you to stop thinking that you have nothing to change – you should change a lot of things, friends are supposed, to be honest with each other.

If you have found this kind of person, then stuck to them – this is a rare phenomenon these days. 

5. The Devil’s Advocate

Best friend

This person is one of the 5 friends types that will lead you much during the whole of your life.

They’re critical thinkers – they see the whole picture and predict things before they can happen, they ask questions that nobody can think about. Even some questions that attorneys will ask, questions that your family members won’t ask you. 

You definitely need these kinds of people aside from you, as anything can happen in your life. They’re blunt, but they always think and take care of you.

Hopefully, all of you have these 5 friends types in your life. If no, think about it – you’ll definitely need them in the future. So be prepared!