Wondering how to dominate social media in 2020?
Great question!
If you want to become a social media influencer and wondering what social media tactics you can use, you are at the right place!
With such a massive user database, you are definitely losing out on something significant if you are not making use of the various social media platforms to your fullest advantage.
Today, you should implement some SMM strategies to overcome your competitors and shine bright on social media channels.
Also, there are some SMM strategies on how to dominate social media in 2020.
SMM Tip N1: Identify Your Target Audience
It is essential to be aware of the fact that different social media platforms have different kinds of audiences as below:
– Facebook – a platform on which a wide range of businesses, individuals, and groups communicate.
– LinkedIn – facilitates business-specific communication and coming together of like-minded individuals for networking and connecting.
– Instagram – meant for those who are looking for visual social media content that would quickly capture the attention of the visitors
– Twitter – interests those who wish to share something based on what’s trending and relevant.
So, after figuring out the best way to communicate with each of these audiences, begin A/B testing various images, writing styles, and video content in every post.
To summarize, finding out the audience’s interest is an effective and optimum way to bring about the desired social results.
SMM Tip N2: Audience Engagement
If one really wants to dominate and increase one’s following, then it becomes necessary to make the audience feel that you care for them.
How to achieve this?
Constant engagement of your audience is the answer. Browse and like some of the posts from the rest of the users. Commenting on a thoughtful and sincere comment on some other person’s post would prove to be even better.
On the other hand, if you come across any comment on your post, then take efforts to reply back. Doing so would help to portray and make the audience realize that you are not running just behind numbers, but you actually care for each of your followers as well.
Social Media Marketing is currently a worldwide famous technique, there is a huge demand for SMM experts.
For example, many career aspirants from Mumbai can opt for a course from the available Digital Marketing Course in Mumbai, to undergo professional training.
SMM Tip N3: Don’t Be Restricted to a Single Platform
Individuals generally have themselves restricted to only one or two social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
While this might appear to be the correct thing to do, it is actually not recommended.
In the event that one is seriously thinking about increasing the social media following, then being active on multiple platforms becomes necessary. That’s because there is a high probability that you would taste success on one platform, while completely fail on the other one.
The reason being different social platforms prefer different kinds of content. Therefore, restricting yourself to a single platform right at the start involves a high risk of failing and not achieving the expected result.
Not just being present but remaining active on each platform used is what matters. Do not ignore any platform unless you truly want to stay away from it.
SMM Tip N4: Be Aware & Follow the Social Media Trends
Having the knowledge of how to follow the trending topics is amongst the social media must-dos.
To begin with, get to know the latest trends. Once you’re aware, use them to your advantage and come up with social posts and tweets that are engaging, by making use of top hashtags.
Constantly checking out the trends across different social platforms will help you in precisely identifying the topics you need to post about. Trend analysis likewise can have a major influence on your content creation as well.
A popular trend that you will come across is weekday trends. These comprise of ones like #WednesdayWisdom, #MotivationalMonday, etc.
Viral hashtags such as these will facilitate an increase in your brand and social media visibility.
Enroll in Digital Marketing Courses in Pune or the ones near to you, and get to learn techniques like these to boost your Social Media Marketing endeavors.
SMM Tip N5: Focus on Both the Quality & Quantity of Content
While posting frequently, the tendency is to forget about the content quality. That’s because one gets engrossed in the number of times they post in a day. However, do not allow this to happen with you.
Remember, quality happens to be always better than quantity. In the case of social media, both quality and quantity are equally important. Every bit that is posted, ought to be beneficial to your followers. If not, why would they even have a look at it?
Sounds logical!
It’s all about staying updated and following SMM guidelines, and no one can stop you from dominating the social media circuit!

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.