As you know, dating is where two people spend time together to see if they also can stand to be around each other most of the time until they decide who they’re going in a relationship with.
Here’s the Ultimate Guide to dating women prepared by our Dating Pros. So master the basic guidelines. Here we go!
1. Be Yourself
Yes, perhaps it’s the first advice we’ve all received. And it’s Good advice! We all feel a little nervous, sometimes even pretend we’re interested in things we’re not.
Know one thing – most of the girls or women feel whether you’re telling the truth or lying. So you don’t have to make any efforts in that.
Just be yourself! It’ll cause a lot fewer problems down the line. Remember – you can be more attractive when you’re relaxed.
2. Make the First Move
It’s men’s job to make the first move, not the job of the girl. Seriously, do you often see hot girls approaching men on the streets to seduce them? Agree that it happens rarely.
It’s the same with your conversation. Stop dithering! No matter what you’re thinking to ask about – ask that! Stop thinking what she’s thinking or what she may think!
Or do you really think that she’ll ask anything first and start the conversation?
Stop waiting for that perfect moment and put yourself out there!
3. Have Fun!
It almost always works.
Because females like and highly appreciate a sense of humor in men. Just relax and take the situation in your hands. Had a bad experience?
It’s quite ok – that doesn’t mean you’ll have the same situation here. Leave your past experiences behind the door, laugh, listen and spend a wonderful time.
Related Article: What Women Really Look For in Men
4. Confidence is Sexy!
Have you ever wondered what drives a woman to choose exactly you? And this is one of the worst mistakes men make in relationships.
Women will never like men full of fear or unconfidence. They like real Alpha men!
If you’re a real man approach any woman-related situation confidently. While others remain passive, there’s no contest – you’ll be the clear winner in her eyes.
Believe in yourself and do your best!
5. Have Sex If You Want
Although some experts insist that sex makes things complicated and it results in several test results and concerns, I will advise you to have sex if you want and whenever you want.
Because it can help you know each other well and avoid a further split.
Sex has vital importance in relationships. Imagine that you’ll see the same person along with you 40, 60 years or more.
Do you want to share the bed with the same person or no?
Sex is truly one of the top things you need to have a healthy relationship. Think wise!

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.