People usually avoid talking about their exes anyway during a date. However, details about previous relationships can be helpful for new partners.
The reason is that a woman needs to know if her boyfriend had ever dated any mutual acquaintances. She needs to know why his partner broke up with his last partner as she was taller, didn’t have a sense of humor, wanted kids and he didn’t or she wasn’t good enough in sex.
Our Relationships Gurus have prepared this article, proving that yes, talking about your exes on a date is actually a good idea. But you should indeed, do it right – here’s how:
Have Patience
Don’t hurry and wait until at least the third date to discuss this topic with her/him. Be very careful and don’t overtalk about your last partner.
Regardless of your partner’s sex, they don’t like when you talk too much about your ex. You’re on a date with them, you’re there to explore your partner and know them better.
Explore a little bit about what women really want in men to know what topic to talk about. Smoothly pass to another theme not to lose their interest.
Don’t Discuss the Numbers
Never ask your partner how many people they’ve been with! Accept this is a Golden rule. Even if she does answer with a number instead of a glare, there’s no way for you to respond to that information without sounding judgmental. Don’t judge or you’ll be judged.
Would you like if they ask you about your partners?
If not, don’t do that. If you’ve thought it’s right to meet them, then if it even matters how many of partners they’ve had.
Never Be Too Negative
Here you should be as careful as you are discussing your boss during a job interview. If you tell potential employers that your last boss was an asshole, they’re going to assume that you’re the asshole or you’ll say the same thing about them when you decide to work in another company as well.
Complaining about your ex too negatively won’t make your new partner feel less threatened, it will only make you look like a jerk. You shouldn’t say that you broke up because she was crazy. Instead, be more polite and say that you just realized she wasn’t the one who you’re looking for.
Don’t Be Too Positive As Well
The person you’re seeing probably already knows what kind of person you are. Today it’s quite easy to check – it’s just enough to check your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media accounts. They’ve maybe already checked your exes coming from your photos, who knows. Also, talking about them don’t be too positive.
Nobody likes when you talk too positive about your ex. Try to keep the balance and not talking too bad or good – try to get some opinion when talking about your exes characteristic traits.
No Names!
One of my friends once told me: “I briefly dated a guy who often talked about his ex-girlfriend, Jennifer. While talking about her, he Jennifer, he always referred to her as “Jen,” like I knew her and we were all buddies for a long time.
When you talk about your ex, refer to her only as “my ex.” Avoid mentioning any names and do your best to make a good impression of an adequate personality, being open to new relationships.

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.