Motivational books are great for pushing us towards our goals. There have been various greatest motivational books published over the years.
Such books have inspired even the most successful people in the world.
We’ve collected the list of the best business books you should read, whether you’re starting a new business, want to reach your life goals or looking to push your career to the next level.
1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and self-help book written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill.
Although the title and much of the text concerns increasing income, the author himself insists that his philosophy can help people succeed in reaching any goal in life.
By the end of the author’s life (1970), it was sold more than 20 million copies worldwide.
2. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art is a 2002 book written by the American author Steven Pressfield.
The core aim of the “The War of Art” aims to help readers obtain creative energy throughout the path of the lives of numerous entrepreneurs, business people, athletes, and others.
The book also helps to break through the barriers keeping them away from their goals.
3. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Without any doubt, this is one of the most famous and inspiring books written ever! This is a self-development book written by Dale Carnegie, published in 1936.
Currently, more than 15 million copies have been sold worldwide, making it one of the best-selling books of all time.
Reading the book you’ll learn the following:
- 6 effective ways to make people like you;
- 12 ways to win people to your way of thinking;
- 9 ways to change people without arousing resentment.
4. The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

Timothy Ferriss, an American writer, wrote the 4-Hour Workweek book in 2007.
This is a self-help book and a real guide for entrepreneurs and those people who want to reach their life goals.
Mastering the basics of this book you will also be able to create a business, and live life like a millionaire, without actually having to be one.
Related Article: 5 Secrets to Success in Business
5. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the psychology of why people say “yes” and how to apply these understandings.
After exploring the book, you’ll know the six universal principles needed to become a skilled persuader, ready to any situation.
6. Essentialism by Greg McKeown
Essentialism is not just a book – it’s a brand new way of doing everything.
If you’re a leader, manager, or just an individual who wants to do less, but better, work less but have a maximum outcome, organize your own lives, Essentialism is the book you need.
7. Rework by Jason Fried
Working all the time? Then this book is right for you! Rework shows you a better, faster, and easier way to succeed in business.
Reading it you’ll know why perhaps you don’t need outside investors. The truth is, you need even less than you think. You don’t have to be a workaholic.
Work smarter!
8. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Owning a Startup? Then you should definitely read this! The “Lean Startup” is written by Eric Ries, describing his proposed lean startup strategy for startup companies.
It’s quite a new approach adopted by numerous entrepreneurs around the world, changing the way businessmen run their companies and new products are launched.
9. Start With Why by Simon Sinek
“Start with why” is a motivational book for the people who put the question “Why?” in the first place.
Getting the right answer to that question, you start to ask “What” and “How” to get to the final point.
Exploring all the answers in one place, this book can be the way to your success, as the most successful leaders have a habit to inspire everyone with their actions.
Want to be a leader? Read this!

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.