Losing weight with an underactive thyroid may be a challenge for you. The thyroid is responsible for regulating the metabolism as well as other essential parts of our body.
Overall, the faster your metabolism, the quicker you lose weight. With hypothyroidism having a fast metabolism can be a bit complicated.
However, there are some strategies you can use to booster your underactive gland, and drop those pounds.
Before delving into the best tips and tricks, we’d like to tell you that someone with hypothyroidism may face some difficulties when losing weight because:
- Slow metabolism affects the energy levels of a person to a point in which exercising and moderate movements imply a lot of effort.
- The body burns fat slower than it stores it.
- Wrong dose of medicine.
- Not taking medicines at all.
Finally, here’s the list of the best tips of losing weight with Hypothyroidism.
Consume the Right Medication
As a hypothyroidism patient, you may think that everyone needs the same medication, pill micrograms, or food plan than you. You’re wrong!
People have different needs – some patients require 25 mcg pills, while others need more. So if you want to lose weight fast, it’s crucial you go to the best physician in your area to determine the right treatment for you.
Note that the physician’s job it’s not only about keeping your levels balanced, but optimizing all of you. That means if you are on treatment, you must not feel hypothyroidism symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, anxiety, among others.
If your symptoms prevail, it’s a good sign – you must find a good physician or just change yours.
Always Eat the Right Food
The chances you can’t lose weight due to your diet are quite high. And besides that, there can be other reasons why you’re not losing weight.
With an underactive thyroid, you must have a gluten-free, goitrogen-free diet to give your thyroid a boost. At least, reduce to twice a month eating gluten.
Gluten is bad for hypothyroidism patients because it makes the body creates antibodies that disable the thyroid or makes it work poorly. Keep in mind that you could eat gluten food once in a while after you lose all the weight.
As there are so many goitrogenic food, (including peaches, strawberries, and broccoli), many people don’t cut them off their diet but consume them in the afternoon, when the body already processed the pill. The key is to consume food with the lowest levels of goitrogens.
The best diet someone with hypothyroidism could have is a natural, non-processed one. Include more fiber, coconut oil, green veggies, organic meats, cayenne pepper, and more veggies on your diet.
Also, don’t forget to drink enough tea (with no sugar) and water, it will help you to eliminate toxins. Everything is about making healthier choices, sometimes the reason for being overweight lies on our alimentation, and a little change is all we need.
Remember – check your calories, because if you consume 2500 healthy calories per day, you won’t see progress; keep in mind that weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you eat.
Don’t Forget to Work Out
The truth is that people with hypothyroidism have to exercise to lose weight.
Moreover, they should focus on high-intensity exercises. It’s not the same when someone, with an active thyroid doing low-intensity exercise and someone with a slow metabolism doing 10 minutes of yoga daily, wishing to lose 20 pounds.
Many people recommend to go to the gym and exercise 1 or 2 hours to lose weight, but that’s Not true.
The right exercise for you can actually be the HIIT (high-intensity interval training). This will help you to not only burn many calories, but you also keep burning more calories throughout your whole day.
An average HIIT session lasts 30-45 minutes, you may do it 4 or 5 days a week to see desired results.
If HIIT is not your thing, you can try boxing classes, spinning, or any other exercise that accelerates your heart, and makes you burn calories hours later.
Besides that, don’t forget to choose wisely the protein to drink before/after training, it must be gluten-free, and if it’s organic much better.
Related Article: How to Lose Weight Fast – 10 Pounds in 1 Week: Experts’ Advice
If You Don’t Sleep Enough, You’re Just Losing Time
If you’re on treatment, you should not be facing sleeping problems.
However, your body needs rest to recover and more. When you don’t sleep enough, your body sends some hunger signals to your brain, resulting in overeating.
For example, if you’re awake at 2 am, you’ll most probably eat something which will definitely harm your diet and losing weight strategy.
Control your late eating to improve your health. The best sleeping pattern you can follow is going to bed at around 9-10 pm, resting 8-9 hours, and waking up at 5-6 am.
By the way, many productive and successful people wake up at 5-6 am? So developing this sleeping pattern will help you to stay more productive, energetic and can even lead to success.
Vitamins & Supplements
The lack of vitamins and supplements can harm your static weight.
However, firstly, doctors advise you eat natural fruits and vegetables instead of taking medicines.
For example, if you have a lack of vitamins A, B-7, B9, B12, or Vitamin C, you can change them with various fruits or vegetables – Vitamin B-7 with whole grains, eggs, soybeans, fish, B-9 with fortified grains and cereals, asparagus, spinach, broccoli, or orange juice, B-12 with meat, poultry, fish, milk, cheese, fortified soymilk and cereals.
In the case of Vitamin C, you can eat citrus fruit (lemon, orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.), potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts.
You can replace Vitamin A with beef, liver, eggs, shrimp, fish, fortified milk, sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, mangoes.
However, if you decide to start taking vitamins or supplements without the authorization of your physician, you’re putting yourself at a risk. You can’t ever know for sure whether the vitamins or supplement will make you gain more weight or not.
Last but not least, stress affects people with hypothyroidism harder than people without the illness.
If you’re working in a stressful atmosphere, try to relax and calm down otherwise it also can harm your health.
For instance, many people going to see a doctor find out that they had a goiter had grown that’s why it’s essential to stay calm. You can even start to meditate to keep stress at bay and get your final point.

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.