People usually say that they don’t look good even if they “dress well”.
Remember, guys – dressing well is a skill and like any other skills, you can improve it and make it better. If you don’t know where to start, just consider this killer guide for you guys.
After reading this, hopefully, you’ll be able to revolutionize your wardrobe and develop your style in the best possible way.
1. Dressing Good is Just a Skill
Also, take into account that nobody is born with some magical intuition on how to dress well. You should realize that dressing well is a skill that can be developed through practice.
Try newer things, newer styles, delve into changes and, eventually, you will develop your personal style.
2. Make Sure Your Clothes Actually Fit You
The fit is the most important thing when it comes to great style. Keep in mind – about 90 percent of your style problems are because you don’t get the right fit.
Know well your body proportions and never wear clothes, shoes, costume or any other type of wearing if it doesn’t fit you 100 percent. You will just spoil your style.
Men have the tendency to wear clothes that are too big for them because it either “feels more comfortable”, or they just don’t know how clothes are supposed to fit in the first place. Erase this mindset from your memory!
You can even go to a tailor to sew you some new clothes so it’s the matter of your mindset. By the time you will feel that your new style is the key to your comfort.
3.Surround Yourself With Stylish people
Imagine a situation that on average, you have 5 stylish friends or people you know in real life or even online, doesn’t matter. Who you surround yourself with has an extremely important impact both on your behavior and mindsets.
When you hire a bad worker to work in a workaholics team, during the time the bad worker has almost 100 percent of chances to become a good worker.
The same is also here – the more you communicate or follow stylish people, you will get the inspiration to become a stylish person.
4.Focus on a Classic Style First Before Trying to Develop a Personal Style
When you’re starting to improve your style, think of it like how chefs learn to cook:
They don’t go into the kitchen thinking they need to create some amazing and original dish never seen before.
They learn the classic recipes and techniques first. Then they start adding bits and pieces of their personality and interests in to put a spin on them.
You’re going to do the exact same thing with your style.
Focus on classic styles first, then slowly add your own personal spin later.
Related article: What women really want in men?
5.Stick to Solid Neutral Colors
We do believe that every man’s wardrobe should be based around neutral colors which are white, black, navy, olive, grey, khaki, brown. Why? Simply because it makes you look refined, professional, and put together.
These are the colors that aren’t overpowering. Most of them you can wear in any situation, starting from your daily activities to business meetings.
Wearing a light orange or a neon green color wearings? It’s pretty hard to work with them. Besides that, neutral colors help to focus on the core of the situation and not pay attention to additional details.
6. Buy The Best Quality You Can Afford For Your Budget
Here we should answer one simple question – how much should you spend on clothes? It doesn’t matter you want to buy a pair of jeans, a smartphone, or sushi dinner at home, it’s often hard to buy good things for a low price. Agree!
But it doesn’t mandatorily mean that you should lend money to do this shopping. Buy the best goods in your affordable budget!
7. Save Time in the Dressing Room Using the “Pull 3” Trick
When you’ve chosen the item you want to buy and you go to the dressing room, use the “Pull 3” tactic on the same item, choose the following:
- One of the size you think you are
- One size up
- One size down
So if you’re shopping for a suit and you think you’re a 40, pull a 38 and a 42. Take all three to the dressing room. It saves your time and helps to really understand what size really fits you.
8. Seek the Help & Advice of Experts
When it comes to learning how to dress, you can find numerous sources, including style magazines, blogs, Instagrams, Pinterests, and other channels.
However, while reading advice online, always consider the source. How long are they experienced in their sphere, how well they dress.
The most important question – is it a style you want to adopt? If yes, delve into details, if no – don’t stop searching, eventually you’ll find your style gurus and develop your personal style.

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.