Undoubtedly, Elon Musk is one the most successful and “craziest” entrepreneurs of the 21st-century. He’s best known for his futuristic imagination and for bringing into reality even impossible dreams of many people. He is one of the self-made billionaires not just in the USA and in the whole world.
Becoming a multimillionaire in his late 20s Musk continued to improve the world with his extraordinary projects. He is the author of various life-changing business projects like PayPal, Tesla, and SpaceX. Musk has also some new innovative ideas which he will definitely make true in the future but that’s another story.
Today, we want to explore the Elon Musk’s 10 secrets that will help you understand how Musk chased his dreams. Here we go!
1. Work Like Hell
Success doesn’t happen by chance. It takes a detailed work plan, strategic decisions unstoppable actions in the right direction to get there.
Every successful business individual works extremely hard, thinking about their dreams all the time, of course without forgetting to have a rest not to lose productivity. Elon Musk works 80-100 hours per week, he really works like Hell.
Remember – you need Confidence! It comes from making many efforts again and again. If you know where you go, don’t stop to achieve your dream? If you’re a lazy person, I’ll tell you a secret – achieving dreams is not for lazy people! So get to work!
2. Don’t Fear Failure
Failure is an integral part of Success. Every successful person knows that as they have made more mistakes than anyone else. Failure isn’t the end – it’s the beginning of idealizing your final product and reaching your goals.
If you’ve failed, it means that you’re on the right way and you do at least something to reach your goals. If you have a lot of fears, boring life and want to accomplish your dreams, you should start to take some risks and get rid of that feeling of failure.
Remember – there are a million other roads to try, and it’s quite hard (but not impossible) to choose the right one. However, eventually you will choose the right road and it will lead to your success. The key point here is – NEVER be afraid of failure!
3. Really Like What You Do
Love what you do! Do what you love! Familiar? Yes, this is the key to success! This is what Elon musk does. That’s why he’s so passionate about his job.
Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses.
When you love what you do, your passion and eagerness naturally come out and nothing can stop you, you’ve probably had a situation like this. Doing your favorite thing you will never get tired and this is the secret of moving forward all the time.
4. Take Risks
Undoubtedly, taking risks has been and will always be a necessary part of success. We constantly learn from risks – and those lessons may lead us on an important, new path.
Let’s agree that it’s not possible to explore newer opportunities without taking risks. Every successful person in the world has taken numerous risks, that’s a fact!
The core reason is that they don’t limit themselves in anything. They don’t put any barriers and say – that’s the maximum I can achieve. No!
Truly successful person always searches newer opportunities to broaden their horizons and capture newer markets. And so does Musk! That’s why he is one of the most successful people succeeding in innovative businesses.
5. Be Unrelentingly Optimistic
Think optimistic! It helps us deal with problems more effectively by focusing on the solution rather than ruminating about the problem. It helps us move forward especially when we meet some failure.
However, being optimistic doesn’t mean you should forget about prioritizing and strategizing. Being optimistic is good but you should take into account every piece of development, every change in your customers’ behavior, every tiny detail that can have an impact on the success of your business.
Related Article: 5 Secrets to Success in Business
6. Do Something Important
When you do something really important, you change yourself as well. You start to love what you do and it affects your emotions. As your emotions change, your attitude towards creating a successful business also changes.
Agree – it’s a great motivation knowing that you’re changing the world for the better.
At the age of 27, Musk had more money than he needed but he didn’t stop working as he wanted to share his knowledge more and more and change the world in the process. So choose something important that will make you work harder and harder all the time.
7. Seek Out Constructive Criticism
Elon Musk is well-known also for the promotion of constructive criticism. He says that has succeeded also due to actively seeking out and listening to negative feedback.
In fact, negative criticism can be an unstoppable motivation, if you treat it in the right way. It can boost your career or improve your life, make you a better business individual.
There are numerous people in the world who criticize other people instead of changing themselves. Be wiser! This is a huge drive you can use to achieve your goals!
8. Invest Profits Into New Businesses
This is one of the main rules for many businessmen. Musk is not an exception! He invested at least 45% of his earnings back into a brand new business within the calendar year. This is a characteristic trait of a strategic business people – they think days, months, even years forward.
You can get profit, use it for your needs now, or you can invest the profit again in your business (or other business projects) to get a perk from them in the future.
9. Let Your Imagination Soar
You need to work on your feeling of success. Imagination is a great weapon. With every success imagination, you can have the feeling of reaching your desired dreams and it can help you move forward. It’s some kind of programming software which you should install in yourself to become more successful.
Dream big! Big dreams lead to success (at least to little ones). Dreaming small doesn’t have enough power to provide you the drive and motivation to put a start of your success line. Believe in yourself and one day it will become your reality.
10. Never Give Up
When a group of school children once asked Sir Winston Churchill what he thought was the secret of success, the latter answered the question with just seven simple words – “Never give up. Never, never give up!”
In order to be successful, you have to believe in yourself. Without that, you’ll be hesitating to do anything all the time. You can never know how close you are to success, maybe just a step has left when you quit.
Focus your mind on success, and take the right action steps daily, at least, move forward. Keeping going you’ll reach somewhere, it’s better than to stop achieving your dreams, complaining and giving up! If you think you’re a loser and will not be able to reach the final point, just look at Musk, let him be your ideal!
Elon Musk’s top 10 secrets of success show that all the success he achieved is due to his unstoppable hard work, big dreams and, indeed, due to his absolute faith in his projects.
Gurus’ Way hopes that above-mentioned secrets have inspired you to raise the bar higher and create new business projects and turning your dreams into reality.

Annie is a Digital Marketing professional having more than a year of experience.
Currently, she is a Content Writer at the www.GurusWay.com