Different people like various drinks. It doesn’t require any specific class or taste.
Generally, there are some types of manly drinks for real men. These are the Alpha men – they always know what they want.
I made deep research talking to over 700 business sector representatives, business owners, and entrepreneurs within a year.
Also, I explored 60+ online sources and emphasized the top drinks that only real men order.
Taking into account their taste, here’s the list of manly drinks for different types of men.
Here we go!
1. Whiskey
I guess you’re not surprised I put this drink in the 1st place. 🙂
Did you know that the origins of whiskey come from Ireland and Scotland?
People brought the distilling techniques to Ireland and Scotland between 1100 and 1300 by monks.
Since then, whiskey making techniques were developed over the years and gain popularity worldwide.
Today, almost every man knows that whiskey is among the manliest drinks existing (if not the manly one).
It’s quality, it’s masculine, and it boosts your alpha male image. That’s all the feelings that a really manly drink should pass to its owner.
2. Martini
Martini is also one of the top drinks in the world that men prefer.
“A medium dry martini, lemon peel. Shaken, not stirred.”
Familiar words?
These are the words of James Bond, and Martini is his favorite drink.
There are quite many ways to make Martini. If you’re making it for the first time, you’d better start with the proven classic recipe.
In general, people make this cocktail with gin and vermouth.
Any garnishes?
Yes – olive or a lemon twist.
However, there are also numerous other options to make this cocktail. For example, you can use gin or vodka, stirred or shaken, ice shards or double strained, etc.
You can make it even by yourself by watching this video below:
3. Rum & Coke

Many people like this extremely tasty cocktail very much.
However, this is considered an entry-level gentleman’s drink.
I also know lots of women who love this kind of drink.
Simplicity. Sweety. Extremely tasty.
The cocktail is also extremely tasty with spiced rum – Bacardi Oakheart. 😉
4. Jack & Coke

Another manly cocktail with Coke.
If you like whiskey more than any drink in the world, go for whiskey and coke.
Slightly stronger but tasty. Less sweet but so popular.
Because of whiskey’s masculine reputation, this drink has become one of the most famous ones in the world.
5. Snake Bite Cocktail
People who like Snake Bite, know that one should equally mix lager and apple cider. However, the cocktail is made different in the United States and English separately.
For example, people in the US make the drink with a darker beer or a stout (for example, Guinness).
As for England, people make it with a little lighter, crisp lagers.
No matter how it’s prepared.
The Snakebite’s bite is worth your time and money.
Here’s how to make it best:
6. Gin & Tonic

Have you ever tried drinks like Gin or Tonic separately?
Not that awesome, agree?
The fact is that these two drinks are fantastically tasty when drinking them mixed.
Although, the sour taste of the cocktail is definitely not for everyone.
To take it one step further you can just add a piece of lime and get a fascinating taste – a world full of wonders and miracles. 🙂
7. Old Fashioned

Whiskey combined with bitters, garnished with orange peel or cherry.
The same “Old Fashioned” itself says that it’s one of the most “ancient” drinks in the world that man drink. It packs a punch and will certainly put some hair on your chest.
Here’s the video on how to make the well-known “Old Fashioned” cocktail even at home conditions:
8. Classic Manhattan (with Cherries or Orange Twist)

They choose the classic one.
Why cherries or orange?
Because it depends on the taste and no one can say that real men don’t eat cherries or an orange.
Strong. Sweet. Slight bitter.
Want to make the cocktail?
Here’s how to make it:
9. B52 Cocktail
Sweet. Burning. Energetic.
Surprisingly, many of my researched people just love this drink. They advised drinking at least 3 shots to get the point.
Yes, I tried it!
I just fell in love with it!
So here’s the fact!
The B-52 (also B52 or Bifi or Bifty) cocktail is a layered drink. It consists of several drinks:
- Coffee liqueur (Kahlúa);
- Irish cream (Baileys Irish Cream);
- Grand Marnier (also, in later versions replaced with triple sec or Cointreau).
People believe it was created in the 1970s by a bartender (as well as a fan of the iconic band) The B-52s.
Here’s one of the top ways to make the B52 cocktail:
10. Godfather Cocktail
And finally…the “Godfather Cocktail”!
Wait a minute!
Why “Godfather?
Perhaps because it was the most favorite drink of Marlon Brando in the original Godfather film (1972)?
In fact, the origin of the Godfather’s name is uncertain. Well, like in the case of many cocktails.
The beverage originated in the U.S. in the 70s.
It’s quite possible that the drink got its name because of the actor’s greater role and from the Italian liqueur, amaretto, that’s added to it at the same time.
Anyway, here’s how you can make and enjoy it:

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.