Want to reveal your abs with the best abs workouts but no results?
There’s a certain reason why it’s not happening. Just doing your best at the gym and keeping your meal plan to reach the desired results isn’t enough.
The real reason why you can’t get rid of that belly fat is that your body is holding water. True, I’m not kidding!
In fact, there are numerous factors that cause water retention. If you like to eat deliciously, you probably get too much sodium, many types of supplements, and other unhealthy ingredients that harm your dream come true.
However, the good news is that you can naturally help your body get rid of that extra water.
After talking to 25+ fitness trainers and experts, I want to present to you the best abs “workouts” that will help you cut the water level in your organism and reveal those hard-earned abs.
Let’s check out these indirect but the best abs workouts to help you excel your six-pack.
1. Chase the Sweat
Like to eat Sweets? Surprize – this is the number one rule you should follow – challenge yourself and chase the sweat!
As we know, sweating is the process of releasing liquid from the body’s sweat glands. If you go to the gym then working out hard and sweating will help shed it.
If you’re not attending the gym you can do some fitness exercises to reach the desired results at home.
2. Decrease Using Alcohol
As you may know, alcohol is dehydrating. From the first point of view, it may seem good, as you’re losing water, right?
Nope, it’s better to lose water in other ways and compensate for fluid loss.
To keep your body fit and to have well-defined muscles, it’s best to avoid alcohol. It would be even much better if you saved alcohol consumption during events as well thus thriving to the best results.
3. Eat More Asparagus
Do you know what’s asparagus? Great, you need to eat it more. The fact is – asparagus is a natural diuretic.
Also, they’re also a great source of not just fiber but also various vitamins including vitamins A, C, E, and even K. When preparing these, try to avoid using salt, salted butter, or even any other foods that can contain salt.
4. Take a Multivitamin
Another reason to reveal your abs and one of indirect best abs exercises can be fulfilling the vitamins your organism is missing.
You can lack certain microelements, including vitamin B1 and B6 that can lead to undesirable water weight. If you want your organism to work optimally, make sure to take a multivitamin as well.
5. Cut Out the Creatine Supplements
Creatine is one of the best ways to gain muscle along with other muscle gaining foods. It helps your muscles produce more energy during your exercises, especially for heavy lifting or high-intensity workouts.
However, taking creatine won’t help you in losing water level in your body. Moreover, it increases water weight in your organism from two to four pounds. So if you want to look shredded, you’d better stop taking it for some time.
Related Articles: How to Lose Weight Fast – 10 Pounds in 1 Week: Experts’ Advice
6. Drink More Water
Yes, drinking water can decrease the amount of water in your body.
Surprised? You shouldn’t! Your organism always needs water to flush out body cells so providing your body with a sufficient amount of water will help it to perform properly.
7. Stop Using Sodium
Another way of decreasing water in your body is to stop using sodium in your meal plan. Remember – the more sodium you use, the more water your body will need and hold.
How to stop using sodium?
Easy! You can stop using the drinks and foods that you already know contain sodium.
For the foods and drinks that you’re not familiar with, you can just read nutrition labels on the foods and drinks you buy from the shops. that are high in sodium, such as processed foods like soups, canned foods, frozen meals, seasonings, and condiments.
For healthy alternatives to sodium for revealing your abs faster as well as for better heart health, explore this video from YouTube:
8. Drink Cranberry Juice (with No Sugar)
Why Cranberry juice? Because cranberry juice is a natural diuretic.
Moreover, it will not only flush excess water from your organism but it will also help in removing the negative toxins. Be aware to drink cranberry juice concentrate instead of drinking cranberry juice cocktail as the latter one contains some sugar.
9. Get Enough Sleep
You’ve probably heard that sleeping has an influence on losing weight. It’s also one of the factors that have an impact on losing weight fast.
In the case of decreasing the level of water in your body, sleeping has an enormous impact as well. If you don’t get enough sleep your body isn’t having enough time to recover. So sleep the required time (according to your age) to reveal your abs in the best possible time.
10. Wear a Sauna Suit While Exercising
Going to the gym keeping your meal plan and fitness workout plan? Great! Add sauna suit to them to benefit the most.
Sauna suits usually wear athletes and fitness professionals to fasten the results so this is why it’s considered as one of the best abs workouts in the world.
The reason is that the sauna suits are made with neoprene, which traps heat around your body and results in increased sweating (that we mentioned before). So using this excellent fitness equipment can help you lose excess water weight and reveal your abdominal muscles sooner.
To explore more and get some information on how sauna suits can impact your body, just watch this video:
Hopefully, the mentioned tips and advice from fitness experts will help you get the desired results.
However, if you’re new to the fitness world, you’d better talk to fitness specialists and trainers before keeping the mentioned points in this content.
Good luck in building killer abs and making your world better! 😉

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.