Despite the fashion industry rapid development, the women fashion items on this list barely vary from one decade to the next. Women’s taste in fashion changes and adapts.
However, men usually don’t like how and what we dress.
Yes, it’s fine because they aren’t the “fashion police” and we all look fantastic. But we’re here to tell you the truth!
Here are women’s 9 most favorite things that men hate most. If you have any of these items in your closet, burn them immediately or just careful on the streets!
1. Dramatic Makeup
Makeup is fun and for a lot of women, it’s a real full-on hobby. Men think that less is more and that a lot of makeup actually makes us look worse. Well, sometimes yes, it’s so obvious that we also agree that better to make it less, but not always!
We’re not responsible for a man’s sadness if he tries to make us choose, because makeup will win.
Want to feel confident? Do the makeup you love! No matter what others think!
2. Leopard Print
Undoubtedly, leopard print is one of those fashion trends with staying power and women like it very much. However, most males think that it’s not as attractive as women do.
Men, specifically those in their 40s, at least don’t like “leopard skin print” the most out of any fashion trend for women.
Of course, your man may have a different opinion so free to ask him. Or, maybe don’t. Think about it!
3. Chunky Platforms or Heels
This is a real nightmare of short guys. Why?
Because wearing platforms makes them feel short. That might be because they’re insecure, or maybe they don’t feel confident.
Anyway, you should take into account the height of your partner when thinking of wearing this kind of shoes.
4. A Ton of Perfume
This is quite funny as most women will say that men are the number one offenders of overusing spray on products. Although men can know a lot about you from your perfume, they just hate when many women use it too much.
According to some research, we often use perfume too much we are depressed. During our depression, we’re also losing our sense of smell and may overcompensate it by using more perfume.
However, it’s also because many of us just like to smell good. Keep it simple!
Related Article: What Women Really Look For in Men
5. Fake Eyelashes
Eyes are the windows to your soul, right? How’s a dude supposed to wife you up when your soul shutters are laced in black tar? This is why they don’t like when we use fake eyelashes.
On the other hand, according to more recent research, points toward the notion that long eyelashes are valuable for the illusion they create of wide, gazing eyes.
Also, it can be a sign of overall health, so maybe he should’ve thought of that before he made you cry.
6. Long Nails
You can say that during your dating times you’ve noticed that men don’t really notice and they pretty much don’t care.
However, according to my personal query, conducted among around 1400 men, most men (59%) don’t like long nails at all.
But that doesn’t stop us, does it?
They look hot and who doesn’t love a manicure? Fake nail haters have to move past their fear.
7. Huge Sweaters
Apparently, these aren’t form-fitting enough. Men think that overlarge sweaters are trends of the ’80s. Well, maybe they were trendy those times more but if you like it, just wear it even now.
Besides, huge sweaters also protect us from cold weather, general discomfort, and coordinating an actual outfit.
8. Harem Pants
These pants are one of the women trendy items that men hate. Seriously! They receive a lot of hate. They’re rare anyway and men see these stylish items very rarely so no need to worry.
Keep your style on the top level and be confident!
9. Peplums
Peplums are among women’s most favorite fashion items but men don’t like them at all. They don’t like peplum skirts because apparently they look like a woman is pregnant, or wearing two skirts.
Know what? Wear whatever they want. Wear what makes you confident, stylish and what makes you shine!

Annie is a Digital Marketing professional having more than a year of experience.
Currently, she is a Content Writer at the