5 Shocking Things to Expect from an Angry Ex During the Divorce

Have you ever imagined what would happen if you get divorced? Do you wonder what the process will be like?

Being able to respond in quite a smart way can help you reduce the cost of your divorce and make the process less conflicted. Dealing with an angry ex can be emotionally exhausting, but it helps if you are prepared.

Divorce usually reveals the worst in people. It’s not in all the people, but don’t be surprised if you see a side of your ex that you never knew before marrying her.

It’s logic – if your spouse wasn’t aggressive during the marriage doesn’t mean they won’t be during divorce.

Here are 5 shocking things to expect from your angry ex during the divorce.

1. They Can Use Your Children Against You

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If you have children, be cautious. An angry ex may try to get revenge by limiting the amount of time you can spend with your family youngsters.

For instance, they may claim you are an unfit parent or that the kids would prefer spending time with him (or her) instead of you.

Keep in mind that the impact of your divorce will be huge on your children. Moreover, it can deepen the stress for your children before, during and after the divorce.

Remember, if this happens, there isn’t much you can do – just be near your children and help them with their pain.

2. Getting a Restraining Order Against You

Many angry exes know that abuse allegations are taken very seriously in divorce court, so they often claim that their spouse is abusive to punish him/her.

If they succeed, the judge may be forced to issue a temporary restraining order until the investigation is complete.

This means that you will most probably have to leave the marital home. That’s right! This can be quite unfair especially when you know that you are innocent, but it’s important to remain calm to prove that you are not a violent person.


Related Article: Talking About Exes on a Date Is Actually a Good Idea


3. Intentionally Prolong the Divorce Process

The divorce process itself lasts long.

However, your ex can intentionally prolong the process. For instance, when they refuse to provide the necessary documentation your divorce attorney has asked for. Yes, that’s possible!

They may also delay the process by paperwork – they can send via their divorce attorney a massive list of requests that you need to comply with and thus prolong the process.

To protect yourself from this you need to prepare as much the documentation as possible beforehand. And, if you do become a victim of false allegations of domestic abuse, be careful not to make the situation worse.

4. Limiting the Access to Your Own Assets

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Sometimes a partner may limit access to finance as a form of punishment during a separation.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, make sure your name is on all marital assets (all bank and credit card accounts, saving funds, etc.) before filing for a divorce.

In some tough cases, you can even open an account in your name only and transfer some funds you need to live on into your new account before the process ends. Just keep yourself emotionally stable enough to focus on every aspect of the process.

If you have children, try to have fun with them regardless of what your angry ex-does.

5. Still Trying to Control Your Personal Life

Yes, this happens quite often! Some ex-partners try to control the personal lives of the other one. They do everything in their power to know every move.

For instance, in some hard cases, ex-spouses can’t just help investigating who you are dating, where you are going on vacation or in the evenings.

This happens because of their wrong mindset – they feel they have the right of ownership of you and can do anything they want. Shut them down when they attempt to control your life or try to know anything about your personal life. Show them that you’re the owner of your life.