Dandruff and hair loss are two widespread head-related issues. A huge number of people, both men, and women suffer from them.
The question we are here to ask today is: ‘Are these two head troubles directly related?’
Dandruff and hair loss. It’s quite rare for someone who suffers from dandruff to also endure hair loss in one form or another. Could this be because dandruff actually causes hair loss on its own?
People have certainly looked into this potential relationship. Let’s explore more.
1. Clogged Pores
People who suffer from dandruff are already fully aware that the stuff gets stuck all over their heads. When dandruff sits on your head for too long, it tends to block up your pores. Worst still, some of the smaller portions of dandruff can even lodge right inside your pores!
Typically, you’re able to wash dandruff out of your hair before this becomes a major problem. However, it doesn’t always run the way we hope it will.
When your pores get clogged, the hair follicles that work in that region may be unable to produce hair out from underneath it. This causes temporary hair loss. Temporary hair loss means that the hair stops growing, but the hair follicle is not dead. Once the pore gets unclogged, your hair should start growing again.
In this case, you could say that dandruff is the cause of your hair loss.
However, this is only temporary hair loss.
2. Dry Scalp Due to Treatment
Dandruff sufferers usually have quite oily hair. Most dandruff treatment shampoos and conditioners aim to make your hair dry so that dandruff cannot fester there as easily.
Unfortunately, the dryness of your hair may also impact your hair follicles. Hair follicles require hydration just as much as they require nutrition.
In fact, DHT – the primary cause of permanent hair loss in men, causes the hair follicles to dry out to the point where they did off. Dry scalp can have a similar, less serious effect.
Having a dry scalp is unlikely to kill your hair follicles. However, it will likely cause then to produce hair at a slower rate. While this isn’t exactly hair loss, it can still be a problem.
Related Article: Ultimate Guide to Men Hair Loss
3. Itching
Itchiness comes with dandruff. When you have shards of dried scalp on your head, it is bound to be itchy.
As you scratch at your dandruff, you’re accidentally damaging the pores on your scalp, as well. Eventually, the pores may get so damaged that your hair stops growing altogether. When this happens, it is permanent hair loss.
Technically, dandruff isn’t causing your hair loss. Rather, your fingers are doing that! Also, you can check some visit some fast hair growth products and explore for more info on which products you should use to avoid hair loss.
That being said, we can hardly ignore the relevant connection between dandruff and hair loss. While one doesn’t directly cause the other, dandruff does have a decent chance of indirectly causing some hair loss.
4. What can You Do?
If you’re suffering from dandruff and you can see the beginnings of hair loss, there is a list of things you can do.
For starters, train yourself to keep your hands out of your hair and off your scalp. The more you touch your scalp, the more oil you’re placing in it and the higher risk you have of scratching.
Secondly, use a specialized shampoo and conditioner combo that both tackles dandruff and revitalizes hair at the same time.
Remember – do not use two different kinds of shampoo and conditioner at the same time! You should use one shampoo and conditioner combo that is capable of doing both at once. This product is unlikely to cause any of the above problems as it is made to deal with both.
If these don’t work, go and see a doctor. Dandruff and hair loss are not easy things to deal alone with.
Your scalp is very important, and this condition is very common. Your doctor is likely to know a few tricks to reduce the damage to your hair and perhaps alleviate your dandruff issues.
Good luck!

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.