Each one of us has little challenges throughout the day that could be made a lot easier to handle with just the right gadget.
To keep yourself cool, stay warm, or enjoy a lovely scent, check out the ideas below.
1. Increase Office Comfort
Consider getting a tiny USB fan that can sit on your desk and blow directly on you, rather than moving your papers around.
Many of these tiny fans are USB compatible, so you can run them off any electronics hookup.
Consider setting them on an old mouse pad to reduce vibration and hum, and to keep your cooling tool discreet. Your days of fighting over the AC settings in the office may be behind you!
2. Freshen the Air
If you like a particular scent but don’t care for plug-ins or candles, consider getting air freshening diffusers that look like a houseplant.
Most of these offer a gentle scent that won’t overpower your space or clash with other fragrances.
As the fragrance fades, add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil blend around the base of these porous fake plants.
Why do that?
For simply extending the fragrance benefit.
3. Manage Your Space Wisely
If you’ve got a yard sale to organize or a play area to corral, consider investing in portable traffic barricades.
Many of these plastic units will work inside or out and can provide you with a flexible structure right in the place you need it. These lightweight plastic barricades can also be put to use for playtime indoors.
If you work with small children regularly, the addition of a few panels of a lightweight barricade could be a great base for a blanket fort.
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4. Improve Your Grip
Treat yourself to a tiny pair of vise grips and keep them in the kitchen tool drawer. These useful little tools work great on any number of tiny projects where you need a better grip, to pinch something closed, or just to hold something steady.
Also, these can be very useful for anyone with a bit of hand tremor.
Because they offer enough weight to stabilize the grip while snapping the grip in place. You can often found them in the dollar big on your local hardware store, so consider stocking up when you find them.
5. Custom Sticky Notes
Treat yourself or someone you admire to a set of custom sticky notes for doodling, drawing, and note-taking.
The act of writing things down is well-known for helping to form solid memories. So giving someone a set of notes that includes categories.
For example, “To Ponder” and “To Put Off” is a great tool.
Pair it with a beautiful pen for a special gift!
Each of these items can be the answer to problems you’ve been dealing with, even if you didn’t know that they were problems.
Remember that keeping yourself cool, sending bugs away from your face, and ordering your thoughts will make many everyday tasks much simpler and enjoyable.
6. Cut Angel-Food Cake or Clean Paintbrushes
If you love to visit second-hand stores or antique boutiques, you may have seen something that looks like a very long-toothed comb made of metal. These are actually angel-food cake cutters.
Rather than sawing through the cake, you pierce it with the sharp teeth, break up the cake fibers, and lean the cutter to the side to tear away the slice.
If you don’t need to cut such a cake, these are great tools for cleaning out paintbrushes at the end of a home repair project. Dry them thoroughly to avoid rust.
7. Personal Bug Screen
If you’re planning to do some yardwork and hate how the bugs buzz around your head, treat yourself to a personal bug screen. Many of these are simply a canopy that drapes over your head.
You can adjust with a baseball cap to keep the screen close to your face but off of your eyes. They can protect you where you perspire most, such as along the neckline, where it can be hard to get bug spray to stick.
Besides, you can spray your portable screen with bug repellent to increase your protection.

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.