The New Year is upon us, which means thousands of people across the country are beginning to work towards their New Year’s resolutions.
However, many people struggle with New Year’s resolutions, as most resolutions are often abandoned within the first few weeks of the new year.
Resolutions usually revolve around long-term tasks that require constant work to be completed, and as a result, many people give up well before the hard work ever comes to fruition.
So how exactly can you make sure that you hit all of your goals for the New Year?
Here are some tips and tricks for sticking with your New Year’s resolution all year long.
Start from Creating Small Goals
One of the best ways to stick with your New Year’s resolutions is by establishing small, reachable goals to hit throughout the entire year.
Many people falter when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions because they create goals that are too wide and overarching to be quantifiable.
For example, some common New Year’s resolutions you might see are “To get in shape by the end of the year” or “To renovate my home so I can list it as one of the Los Angeles homes for sale.” These goals are open-ended, and there’s really no measure of success with them.
Another big mistake is people create end goals with no checkpoints throughout the year.
For example, a New Year’s resolution may be losing fifty pounds for the entire year.
Although this goal is specific and quantifiable, it’s hard to work towards since you have no measure of progress.
You can still have that as an end goal, but you should also have smaller goals to work towards and check your progress.
For example, for that goal, you may want to set smaller goals like losing thirteen pounds by the end of March and twenty-five pounds by the end of June.
Having these small, reachable goals along the way can give you something much more obtainable to work towards and can be a huge boost in motivation to keep you going.
Have Friends That Hold You Accountable
A fantastic way to make sure you stick to your New Year’s resolution is by having a strong support system that can catch you if you falter.
When tackling a resolution that requires a lot of work, it can be very easy to become unmotivated and have your New Year’s goals start to slip away. This is where a strong support system can make a huge difference.
Having friends to encourage you and ensure that you continue to work towards your goals can be a huge help in staying on track.
Your friends may be doing the same resolutions along with you, allowing you to push and motivate each other.
Alternatively, your friends may not even have the same resolution and may just want you to establish healthier and happier habits this year.
Regardless of the situation, having a support system that can get on your case and hold you accountable for New Year’s resolutions can make you much more likely to stick with your goals throughout the entire year.
Related Article: How to Lose Weight Fast – 10 Pounds in 1 Week: Experts’ Advice
Understand That it’s a Process
Another thing you need to do to see your New Year’s resolutions all the way through is to understand that the whole thing is a process and will take some time.
You aren’t going to change your fitness lifestyle or renovate your home in a short period of time, which is a concept many people struggle to grasp.
Many people become frustrated with their New Year’s resolutions because they don’t see results right out of the gate, and that frustration eventually leads to people quitting.
When working towards any goal, you’re going to experience hardships and setbacks. In addition, there will be days where you struggle to work towards your goal, and you’ll become frustrated.
However, you need to realize that everyone goes through those hardships and understand that they are simply part of the process of reaching your goals.
Once you understand this, it will be much easier to power towards the finish line and see your resolutions all the way through.
Reward Yourself
Finally, if you really want to turn your New Year’s resolutions into permanent habits, then you should definitely try rewarding yourself for a job well done.
Studies have shown that positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to motivate someone and establish behavioral patterns, so why not try it out on yourself?
All you have to do is give yourself a little treat when you reach an important goal or milestone in your resolution.
For example, if you hit a weight loss mark that you’ve been working towards, then you can reward yourself with a nice night out and fancy dinner.
Giving yourself little rewards provides you with something to look forward to in your quest to complete your resolution.
In addition, a reward can be a nice way to relax and soak in the benefits of all your hard work before you start working towards your next goal.
Rewards are absolutely fantastic at reinforcing the behavior. So you definitely should employ them while trying to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.