You’ve just scheduled an interview for an investment banking job and get a little nervous? Relax – let’s explore the best bank interview tips to prepare you for the hardest banking job interview situations.
In the event that you have recently graduated and hope to make a lifelong move in the realm of investment banking, there are some interesting ways that you can set yourself up for your meeting with the speculation banking firm you had always wanted. This goes past simply realizing how to sit, dress, or act; knowing the essentials of the career and understanding what the firm brings to the table can be inconceivable experiences.
Consider the accompanying planning tips so you can have a sense of safety about your future.
We have covered the best tips on writing a perfect CV, remember?
Today, we want to provide you with the researched and the 3 best interview tips used by investment bankers around the world. We have met, talked, and gathered information from 70+ Banking HR professionals to provide you a well-researched and the best banking job interview tips.
1. Stay Up to Date on Economic News
Want to get the job of your dreams in the banking sphere? Catch up the news!
Observe what’s going on the news, as this is the number one tip among the top bank interview tips. Pursue monetary updates and consider what this news means to you and the company.
It’s crucially important that you stay aware of the most recent financial happenings so you can be outfitted with the best instruments to push your profession forward. So being aware of the situation around you is the best way to be fully ready for your interview.
Plus, you should use this time to research the company as well. The job you’re going for is likely with a lucrative banking firm. So the more you explore them, the better.
Not only will this give you a great experience, but you will also have the upper hand over the other candidates who apply to this job.
Your questioners will give some information about certain recent developments, and what your feelings and proposed arrangements are for the company.
The Wall Street Journal and The Financial Times are incredible spots, to begin with, if you’re looking for a place to look.
2. Refresh Your Technical Memory
While a great deal of the key ideas you’ve learned in school may, in any case, be crisp in your mind, don’t act presumptuously. Your questioners will positively pose various specialized inquiries that allude to the essentials of investment banking.
Go back to your academic records and re-read subjects that include:
- Balance sheet
- Cash flow
- Profit and loss
- Asset reports
- Income management
- Financial ratio analysis
In some cases, an interviewer may even ask you to calculate some statements on the spot, so do your best to be ready!
For more information, you can explore this YouTube video on the most common 33 investment banking interview questions and answers to them:
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3. Prepare Answers to Tough Questions
Preparing for a bank interview is never easy. One should be ready for even the toughest bank interview tips, especially they want to work at one of the best banks on Wall Street.
If there’s one question that job hunters fear, it’s, “Can you tell me more about yourself?”.
Don’t get nervous!
It’s a proven procedure utilized by numerous questioners to get a genuine feeling of what your identity is. Keeping calm is one of the most important bank interview tips.
From numerous points of view, this is the issue that can represent the moment of truth your odds of achievement with the whole meeting. Use this as an opportunity to impress them.
Make notice of your training, work understanding, systems you’re associated with, your optimal attributes, and your definitive objectives.
Ask questions to your prospective employers as well. Remember to take the time to research the company ahead of time, and ask specific questions about the company and its culture.
Your Future is in Investment Banking
Don’t let the fear of your job interview keep you from doing a great job. You have what it takes to make a good first impression, and with a little bit of extra studying, you can set yourself apart from the crowd.
Remember – the more you learn about your prospective company, and the more you brush up on those technical formulas, the better you will do at your interview.
Wall Street banking interviews are not like other job interviews. There are some extra steps to ensure you’ll do a great job. If your passion is there, the rest will come easily.

James is the Founder & CEO of Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.