If you’re trying to lose weight then this article is right for you! Losing 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in one week is not hard – it’s super hard.
To achieve your goal you don’t need a miracle – you need a super effective plan for that. Our health gurus have talked to more than 25 health and fitness experts and did some research.
If you’ve decided to reach the Final line, know that you’ll need to make many efforts and follow the “Do or Die” rule.
Remember – your single decision can put a start of your weight loss journey and make you feel happy. So follow these steps:
Drink As Much Water As You Can
There are various drinks you may think you can drink. However, numerous sports or energy drinks such as fruit smoothie, or light beer/wine – each serving contains about 100 calories. This will not just waste of time, but it will also harm your health and will keep you away from your goal – “losing your weight very fast”.
Here, water is a savor as it has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink.
Moreover, it helps you to increase your metabolism. If you like to drink more interesting drinks rather than water, you can put some lemon/lime or grapefruit wedges using an infuser.
Also, Drink Tea or Coffee
Studies show that you get more fat-burning benefits if you’re caffeinated. If you exercise, the first thing in the morning that you should do is drinking a cup (or two) of coffee on an empty stomach. Scientists say that it helps to burn more fat than you would otherwise.
Another surprising thing is that drinking coffee or tea on an empty stomach will help you exercise not to feel so ‘painful’. The reason is that you’ll be training while actually awake. The secret is that these 2 drinks are full of antioxidants.
While coffee actually contains more antioxidants than tea, it is higher in caffeine. Drinking more cups of tea per day gives you more antioxidant benefits than drinking too much coffee so people who prefer drinking tea more than the coffee can benefit from this idea.
What Tea to Drink to Lose Weight?
There are some types of teas that help to lose weight more than others. For instance, you can drink black or green tea for the benefits of polyphenols (these teas are rich with this type of antioxidant).
There are also some types of teas like Puerh, Herbal, White or Oolong teas which also have an enormous impact on losing weight. Try this and share your opinion with us!
Cut Back on Sugars & Starches
Perhaps the hardest part in the losing weight process which has vital importance in the final results is to cut back on sugars and starches (carbs). If you’re unaware, know that these foods stimulate secretion of insulin the most among other ones.
Here’s the thing – insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body. So when insulin goes down, fat has an easier time getting out of the fat stores and makes you gain weight.
So people who drink coffee or tea to lose weight, do it without any sugar or starches otherwise it won’t help. Want drinking tea or coffee helped you lose weight?
Get rid of this bad habit immediately. If you can’t stop using it right now, do it gradually.
Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week
Although it’s not mandatory to exercise to lose weight on this plan, it’s highly recommended to get the desired results fast.
Include in your fitness plan to go to the gym 3-4 times a week if you want to lose weight in 1 week. Start with a warm-up, then lift weights, then stretch, it really helps.
If you’re new to the gym and still don’t know what to start from, just ask a trainer for some advice. Why you should lift weights? Because it will definitely help you burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down (common side effect of losing weight).
Related Article: Burn More Calories Than Running With These 4 Exercises
Be Active Outside of the Gym
If you want to lose weight really fast then you should move really much throughout your day, not just in the gym after work.
Increase your daily activity. It plays a very important role in weight loss and obesity. Try to reach from one place to another by walking and not by car. Leave your car somewhere nearby and go by feet, at least a small distance. It doesn’t just help to lose weight but it also helps to improve your health and breathing.
In addition, you can include in your lifestyle biking. You can go to work biking, at your workplace, take the stairs, or standing more. These tiny tactics will help you burn a lot of calories.
Why Sleeping Helps to Lose Weight?
Various researches show that sleeping helps to lose weight. Have you ever felt exhausted, tires or confused after getting up? Here’s the point – your fat cells feel the same way!
When your body is sleep-deprived, it suffers from “metabolic grogginess” (this term was coined by University of Chicago researchers). While having a good sleep, your body burns calories, even when you’re not working out.
A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the people who slept about 7-8 hours and managed to have a rest, burned 20% more calories after a meal than sleep-deprived people.
If you’re not getting the sleep your body needs, even if you keep the same diet and go to the gym as your friend does, you won’t drop as much fat as them. This a common mistake that people make. They go to the gym sleeping just 3-5 hours at night, hoping to lose weight.
That won’t work because your body isn’t managing to have a rest and reboot. So if you want to boost the weight-loss process, get a good (at least enough) sleep!
Have Nightly You-on-Top Sex: Yes, It Really Helps!
You may be surprised, but this a fact – you on top sex is the best position for a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking and you’re the owner of the situation, you’re the initiator. So the more active you are, the more calories you burn (up to 144 calories for 30 minutes).
Our Dating and Sex experts advice you consider also these ways of losing weight that helps will keep you slim.
Kissing Helps to Lose Weight (90 calories an hour)
Various studies show that Kissing is not only one of the way to feel happy during your relationships, but it also helps to lose weight. The fact is that a good, emotional kiss helps you burn around 68 calories per hour.
If the kissing is vigorous, as well as in unusual positions and involves some petting, it can even burn up to 90 calories an hour. So if you’re a good lover or just a romantic person, do your best to give a really good kiss – it can be your good workout assistant.
Giving a Massage Also Burns Calories (80 calories per hour)
Experts say that giving a massage burns 80 calories per hour. Consider going slower – this will get him/her heart rate up and kick the body into a calorie-burning mode, losing some weight.
Going slower and deeper is not only more sensual, but it also works different muscles. It will bring more blood to your tissues and get rid of all the waste materials of metabolism-boosting the fat burning process.
Romantic Dancing is the Best Option (219 calories per hour)
Dancing is not only fun but also a good calorie burner. A little dancing can be a great workout for you. According to some researches, some dances help to burn about 220 calories per hour.
Try some best couple romantic dances like Rumba, Bachata, or Argentine Tango. Also, dancing not only helps you lose weight in a romantic way, but it also beats stress lowers your risk of dementia.
Overall, it doesn’t matter what strategies you use to lose weight. The best way to keep it off still stay long-lasting lifestyle changes.
Keep eating healthy, do physical activity, move more and have the fun of your life. Remember that the best and safest way to lose weight is the Slowest, and not the Fastest one.

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.