When you talk about impressing someone, it could be anything – impressing a person for romantic purpose or for job opportunities or anything else too.
Around 85% of your financial successes come from your communication skills or the abilities but the way you instantly connect with people without trying too hard.
Talking not about romantic purposes but in general, you don’t always get a lot of time to impress people whether for official or unofficial purposes.
It is a human tendency that people make a certain judgment about your personality within seconds of you meeting them and it totally depends on you what impression you let them have about yourself.
So, whether you’re appearing for an interview for a job, meeting with people for fund-raising or leading an organization, you have to make an impression that matters. Well, that’s exactly what this blog talks about.
I will lay down steps that will help you impress anyone within a time span of 30 seconds or less for your own benefit.
1. Your Introduction Shouldn’t Be Old & Boring
What happens when people ask you to tell something about yourself? Do you start with a common phrase – “Hi, my name is __ and I have a small family with__ and blah blah blah”?
Well, that’s not how you do it anymore because this is what the person already expecting from you.
You have to tell them a story that would give the person an insight into who you are and what kind of personality you have.
I would suggest you tell a story that connects your past (just an example) with the motive that has made you come here and talk to the person. This is more effective.
2. Know Your Audience & Avoid the Jargon
When you are going ahead to meet someone, it is your responsibility to know your audience. You must do your homework well in advance and when you come prepared, you would be able to hit the hot iron straight away without beating around the bush.
When you know with whom you’re talking to and are on the same page with him/her, whatever you say will have a greater impact on the individual.
Make sure you use specific terms that relevant to the audience and the purpose of the meeting. Just stay away from being way too-technical when it comes to conversing or make sure you have an alternate term for that too.
3. Make Sure You Know the Boundaries
You must know your boundaries – physically, mentally and with everything that comes out of your mouth. It is your responsibility to be mindful of other people’s respect and trust.
Take a cue from their body language and do as they do whenever you have doubt in your head. Don’t do anything that might offend them in any possible way.
In addition, boundaries also mean having sound knowledge of the personal space of the ones you’re interacting with. You might come from another culture and that’s why doing your homework is important.
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4. Come True to the Expectations
Talking specifically about the business sector, everyone has certain expectation from you and they want them to be fulfilled as the need comes.
Whether it is through your behavior, responding to the phone calls, emails or messages and more, you must be free from surprises. Nobody likes to see the other side of your personality that is completely different from what they had expected from you.
If you fail to stand true to the expectations that they have from you, you will fail to impress them within those 30 seconds. And that’s definitely not what you want.
5. Have That Smile Intact But Don’t Fake
A smile can say a lot about a person, it has a huge power to change things. If you have a contagious smile for which you get a lot of compliments, you can wear that smile to impress the people around you.
A true smile can do a lot more than just impress. It can convince, make the other person smile too, let you have a positive image in front of others, has a calming effect, and is definitely a great way to help you get social with the people around you.
What you need to remember her is a fake smile can do a lot worse for you. Practice smiling and it will come in your habit but don’t fake your smile just for the sake of smiling.
6. Share Something Common
When you have something common to talk about, magic happens for sure. Always remember you have something to talk about to people during the conversations.
If you’re from the same city, or from the same organization, you’ll have much to talk about.
Think of what you remember after having a conversation with someone. If you have common grounds to talk about, it would be a great conversation starter for you and that would leave a long lasting impression on the person’s mind.
7. Make Them Feel Welcome
People always remember people who make them feel good or bad and that’s how they build that impression for the person.
Compliments are a great way to make them feel welcome but don’t do that extra load of overcoat that starts to look fabricated.
You can genuinely compliment them on things like their enthusiasm (to a group), their smile, or fragrance or anything that comes naturally but not intentional.
If you’re doing the same for the sake of doing it, you must stop there because the person would know that instantly and it won’t go well for your reputation.
So, are you ready to make a long lasting impression on others within 30 seconds?
You just have to keep in mind these things and bring them out naturally when the time comes.
Sometimes people think that only dressing well counts in impressing people. Well, that counts and you must be groomed to impress but the above-mentioned points are the go-getters for you here.
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James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.