Everyone wants to “achieve life goals” but not many of them are being able to. Life without a goal is a life without meaning, right? If you already have big life goals – congrats!
The bigger the goals, the bigger is the desire to achieve them.
Many people want to increase their chances of success, but on the way to the final line, they make 3 major goal-setting mistakes. They are not enormous ones but quite disturbing to live the dreams. Here they are:
Mistake #1: Pursuing Several Goals at Once
If you are not new in the Goal Setting process, you probably know that it’s better to break your life goals into some categories: Health, Career, Family, Education, Finances, Pleasure and other goals.
Generally, it is preferable to have 2-3 goals for each category, to build a whole picture of your life.
However, pursuing several goals at once is a step-by-step guide to failure. Remembering all your goals is good, but trying to pursue the top several ones at once puts the all your goals under risk.
Remember – except working harder you should also work smarter. Our brain is not programmed for multi-tasking, constantly switching between two or more unrelated tasks.
To constantly achieve your goals, start small and focus on just one goal at a time. It’s the most effective and proven way to get what you want.
Mistake #2: Setting Huge Goals
Life goals are usually the long-term ones. They are much more complex, time-consuming and overwhelming.
On the way to reaching our big goals, you often avoid them by focusing on easier and more pleasant goals hoping to do the bigger ones the next day. Here you just need to break your huge aims down into smaller sub-goals and achieve the smaller goals one after another.
For example, you don’t have a job but you want to buy a Tesla. Your goal is to buy it and you dream about it every day.
What do you need to do first?
You should find a job to start earning money for your dream car. Start from a measurable mini-goals and try to achieve them during the next 90 days.
Or, if you want to lose weight fast, first you should go to the gym and train as hard as you can. During the time you will realize that you’ve achieved the goal you wanted.
Mistake #3: Dreaming About the Outcome
People like to focus on the final result all the time. Actually, this can be one of the reasons why you’re not achieving your biggest goals.
Focus on the smaller ones that we talked about, and by achieving them you’ll achieve the bigger ones.
According to psychologists, when people are focused on the results, reaching the final goals becomes harder and less enjoyable.
However, another group of people that focused on the process (like going to the gym 3-4 times a week or working hard at the workplace), felt more motivated and still had the thirsty desire to achieve their life goals.

James is the Founder & CEO of GurusWay.com. Majoring in Business and other life-changing sectors, James covers helpful content and shares his experience with the targeted audience.